Intended audience: transplant coordinator transplant physician clinical services coord-csc hla technologist

This article is about deceased donors. See About the living donor profile for information on living donors.

A donor profile contains information about a donor and the organs that are consented for recovery. OATS uses this information to allocate and offer consented organs to the most appropriate recipients from the Ontario waiting list and, in some cases, to recipients on national waiting lists.

Finding a donor profile

There are multiple ways to access a donor’s profile:

Navigating a donor profile


A navigation menu on the left side of the page displays links to:

  1. Organs that that have been consented for donation.

  2. A donor Profile section.

  3. An HLA Information section.

Select any link to jump to that section of the profile.


Sidebar icons provide additional options for viewing and navigation.



Select the icons to the left of a section’s name to expand or contract the section.

Select the menu visibility icon to hide or display the sidebar.

Select the return to previous page arrow to return to the donor list.

Select the return to top arrow to return to the top of the current page.

Viewing a donor profile

Donor snapshot

A donor snapshot is shown at the top of the donor’s profile.

Donor profile - summary

The snapshot includes:

  1. All consented organs and their current allocation stage.

    • Each organ organ appears as a tile and has a link to the organ’s allocation / eOffer page.

  2. Key donor information, such as:

    • TGLN and National Donor IDs.

    • Demographic and clinical information.

  3. Links to:

    • Donor information.

    • HLA information.

    • Serology results.

    • Donor documents.

Mini snapshot bar

When the user scrolls down the page, the snapshot collapses to a miniature version which is always showing at the top of the page.

Donor profile - summary bar

The mini snapshot includes:

  1. Home icon: select to go back to the dashboard.

  2. Menu icon: select to open the system’s primary navigation menu.

    Summary bar - navigation menu

  3. All consented organs.

    • Each organ’s name is a link to the organ’s allocation / eOffer page.

  4. Key donor information, such as:

    • TGLN and National Donor IDs.

    • Demographic and clinical information.

  5. Links to Donor information.

  6. Global Search icon: select to access system-wide search tool.

  7. Profile icon: select to access support, account administration features, or to log out.

Consented organ sections

Each consented organ has the following sections:

Profile section

The donor’s profile section includes:

HLA information section

The HLA information section includes:

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