You can quickly find and go to a recipient, deceased donor, or living donor by using the system's global search.
The global search is located on the top right corner of every page in the system.
Searching for a deceased donor
In the search drop down, select Donors.
Enter all or part of:
First name.
Last name.
Select the search icon, or press enter.
The system presents a list of deceased donors, filtered to match the search criteria provided. You can scroll to see the whole list, and you can select any donor to open their full profile.
Searching for a recipient
In the search drop down, select Recipients.
Enter all or part of:
First name.
Last name.
Select the search icon, or press enter.
The system presents a list of recipients, filtered to match the search criteria provided. You can scroll to see the whole list, and you can select any recipient to open their full profile.