Intended audience: recipient coordinator transplant program admin

Acceptability criteria are medical factors relating to a donor or donation, that are acceptable to the recipient. The recipient determines these criteria in consultation with their care team at the transplant program. The donor acceptability criteria are factored into the organ allocation and offer process when a donor organ becomes available.

Once a transplant journey has been initiated, enter these acceptability criteria in the recipient’s profile.

How Donor Acceptability Criteria affects the transplant journey:

  • Acceptability criteria for Preferred Donor Type (for kidney, liver and lung journeys) and all medical factors must be provided before a medical assessment decision of Recipient to Be Listed can be made. (Urgent listings are an exception to this. )

Adding donor acceptability criteria

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Organ > Donor Acceptability Criteria on the sidebar for the organ you want to update.

    1. The accept and decline options presented depend on the organ being referred.

    2. Accept and decline choices for HCV Ab+ Donor and HCV NAT+ Donor are preset based on the the organ being referred and the recipient’s transplant program’s rules.

      Example - empty Donor Acceptability Criterea

  2. Enter or edit the information in the Donor Acceptability Criteria fields as required.

    1. For kidney, liver and lung journeys, select a Preferred Donor Type (deceased or living) from the dropdown.

    2. Accept or decline various medical factors.

      • The medical factors can be different than shown above, depending on the organ and the recipient’s paediatric status.

    3. Accept HCV NAT+ and Accept HCV Ab+ are interconnected. When you change one, the system provides additional prompts to ensure the other is synchronized.

  3. Enter minimum and maximum requirements for weight, height, and age, if any.

    1. Enter height and weight in either metric or imperial units. The system automatically calculates and fills in the alternate units.

  4. In the Donor Acceptability Comments field, enter any additional information.

  5. Select the Save Donor Acceptability Criteria button.

    • To cancel, select the return to previous page icon or browse to any other page without saving. Any unsaved information is discarded.

Viewing and editing donor acceptability criteria

You can edit the donor acceptability details at any time during a transplant journey.

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Organ > Donor acceptability criteria on the sidebar.

    • The Donor Acceptability Criteria fields are populated with any previously saved information.

  2. Enter changes to information, as required.

  3. Select the Save Donor Acceptability Criteria button.

    • To cancel, select the return to previous page icon or browse to any other page without saving. Any unsaved information is discarded.

The system updates the recipient’s profile with the information you have entered.

About donor acceptability for clustered organ referrals

When creating a cluster of two (or more) organ referrals, you do not need to enter Donor Acceptability Criteria for all the organs.

  1. Specify Donor Acceptability Criteria for one organ in the proposed cluster.

  2. When creating the cluster, copy the specified Donor Acceptability Criteria to apply to the whole cluster.

For an existing cluster, options selected for

  • Accept HCV NAT+ Donor,

  • Accept HCV Ab+ Donor,

  • Accept ABO Incompatible Donor, and

  • Accept Hep B Core Ab+ Donor

are applied to all organs in the cluster. When you change any of these options and select Save Donor Acceptability Criteria, the system presents a notification that this is about to occur.

  1. Select OK to continue.

  2. Select Cancel to return to the previous step.

HCV NAT+ and HCV Ab+ are interconnected. When you change one value, the system provides additional prompts to ensure the other is synchronized for all organs in the cluster.

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