Intended audience: hla technologist clinical services coord - csc recipient coordinator transplant physician

You can view the entire history of a recipient’s virtual crossmatches, including VXMs made by the system when an allocation is run and Specified VXMs performed by a CSC.

Viewing a recipient’s VXM history

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select HLA Information > Virtual Crossmatch on the sidebar.

    The Virtual Crossmatch history section includes:

    • A summary table of historical VXM results.

    • Selected VXM: A detailed view of one result, selected from the table.

    • Entries: A table of historical serum test results for this recipient, filtered by testing method.

Viewing an historical VXM

  1. Select a row in the table of historical VXMs.

  2. Details of the selected row appear under Selected VXM.

Viewing an historical serum test

For additional information about the recipient to help understand a VXM result, you can view any historical HLA antibody test.

  1. Select a Testing Method (Storage, ID/PRA, or SAB.

  2. Select a row in the table of historic tests.

  3. Details of the result appear in a popup window.

    • The system presents the detailed test results, showing all antibodies that were found for the recipient in that test – Acceptable, Unacceptable, and Indeterminate.

    • Select Previous Test Result or Next Test Result on the lower portion of the window to jump to the previous or next test details for the recipient.

    • Select the X on the upper right corner of the window to close the detailed view of the test results.

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