Intended audience: recipient coordinator transplant program admin

Paediatric recipients (under 12 years of age) requiring a liver transplant must have at least one PELD test entry. Enter the test results so the system can calculate a PELD score for the recipient.

If the recipient is over 12 years of age, but has historical PELD scores, both PELD and MELD sections are presented.

How PELD affects the transplant journey:

  • At least one PELD entry must be provided for paediatric recipients before a recipient can be added to the waitlist.

Adding a PELD test result

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Liver > Liver Specific Details on the sidebar.

  2. Scroll to the PELD section.

    Example - PELD table and form, empty

  3. Select the Create PELD button.

  4. Enter required information in the New PELD fields.

  5. Select the Save PELD button.

    • To cancel, select the return to previous page icon or browse to any other page without saving. Any unsaved information is discarded.

The system:

  • Calculates a PELD score based on the test result.

  • Adds the test result to the PELD table.

  • Populates the PELD Expiry Date field with the date the recipient turns 12 years old.

    • This expiry date does not affect the recipient’s waitlist status or allocation eligibility.

  • Recalculates the Allocation Score based on the new PELD score and adds a row to the Allocation Score history table. The new score will be used in subsequent liver allocations.

Viewing and editing historical PELD test results

You can edit the most recent entry in the PELD table. All previous entries are read-only.

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Liver > Liver Specific Details on the sidebar.

  2. Scroll to the PELD section.

    Example - PELD table and form, populated

  3. Select any row from the table of historic PELD results to see its details in the Selected PELD fields.

  4. If this is the most recent entry, edit the information as required.

  5. Select the Save PELD button.

    • To cancel, select the return to previous page icon or browse to any other page without saving. Any unsaved information is discarded.

The system:

  • Calculates a PELD score based on the test result.

  • Adds the test result to the PELD table.

  • Recalculates the Allocation Score based on the new PELD score and adds a row to the Allocation Score history table. The new score will be used in subsequent liver allocations.

See related topics