Intended audience: transplant program admin recipient coordinator csc manager tgln admin

A post-transplant transfer is requested by the destination hospital and completed by an authorized user at TGLN.

Creating a recipient profile

Intended audience: transplant program adminrecipient coordinator

It is assumed that the originating hospital approved the transfer of the recipient to another Ontario (destination) transplant program for post-transplant follow-up care.

Requesting a post-transplant transfer

Intended audience: transplant program adminrecipient coordinator csc manager tgln admin

As a coordinator at the destination hospital complete the OATS User Support Intake Form to request that the post-transplant care of the recipient be transferred to your program.

Completing a post-transplant transfer

Intended audience: csc manager tgln admin


  • The journey (or cluster) to be transferred is in the post-transplant phase.

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile at the originating hospital, the select Organ > Post-transplant follow up and scroll down to the Transfer Follow-up Hospital section.

  2. Select the destination hospital in the Follow-up Hospital dropdown.

  3. Select the Recipient Coordinator.

  4. Select Save Transfer.

  5. In the confirmation pop-up, select OK to continue.

    • To cancel, select the Cancel button.

  • The destination hospital can see but not change information about the journey (or cluster) up to the date of the transfer.

  • The destination hospital can manage post-transplant activity for the journey (or cluster) going forward.

  • The originating hospital can see but not change post-transplant information about the journey (or cluster) up to the date of the transfer. Also, the originating hospital cannot see any subsequent care information after the transfer has occurred.