Intended audience: all

Access to the OATS system is controlled via your OneID account, provided by Ontario Health.

If you do not have a OneID username and password contact your Ontario Health Local Registration Authority. Your LRA will walk you through the enrollment process of creating and activating a OneID account, including a secondary method to support dual factor log in.

If you have a OneID account but cannot log in to OATS, contact the Ontario Health Helpdesk.

Logging in

To log into the system:

  1. Open a supported web browser.

  2. Enter the URL for the login page:

  3. Select the Log in with OneID button.

  4. The system presents the OneID sign on page.

  5. Enter your OneID Login ID and password.

  6. Select the Login button.

The system logs you into OATS and presents your personalized dashboard.

Logging in for the first time on a device

The first time you log in with OneID using a particular PC or device you will be asked to confirm your identity by providing a dual factor code that Ontario Health will send.

After step 6 in the normal login process,

  1. The system presents the Phone-Based Challenge page, showing the last four digits of the phone number associated with the OneID account.

  2. Select Text Message.

  3. Select Next.

  4. Ontario Health sends a text message to the indicated phone number with a six digit verification code.

  5. On the sign on page, enter the six digit verification code.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Indicate you want Ontario Health to recognize this computer and click Continue (do not click the box next to the prompt.)

  8. Indicate you want ONEID to allow access to personal health information (PHI).

    1. Select Remember my selection.

    2. Select Allow Access.

The system logs you into OATS and presents your personalized dashboard.

  • If you allow Ontario Health to recognize your computer, you will not have to repeat the dual-factor sign on.

  • If you let Trillium Gift of Life remember that you allow the system present personal health information, you will not have to replete the ONEID affirmation.

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