Intended audience: tgln tper coordinator

Recipients waiting for heart, heart-lung, lung or small bowel transplantation may apply for financial relief from the Transplant Patient Expense Reimbursement (TPER) program. This program is funded by the Ministry of Health and managed by TGLN.

Recipients apply to TGLN (using paper forms) to obtain financial assistance. TPER Coordinators assess the application and record the decision. Transplant program staff can view the decision.

Pre-requisite: a journey for a heart, heart-lung, lung or small bowel transplant must already be initiated.

Adding or updating TPER information

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Profile > Demographics on the sidebar.

  2. The demographics section includes Financial Assistance fields, populated with any previously saved information.

    Example - TPER form empty

  3. Enter or edit financial assistance information:

    1. Select TPER Status from the dropdown.

    2. Enter TPER Status Date.

    3. Enter Comments, if appropriate.

  4. Select the Save Demographics button.

    • To cancel, select the return to previous page icon or browse to any other page without saving. Any unsaved information is discarded.

The system saves the TPER decision. Users in transplant programs can view the status information but not make changes.

Managing TPER documents

You can attach, download, and remove supporting TPER documents on the recipient’s profile.

Attaching a document

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Profile > Demographics on the sidebar and scroll to the Financial Assistance section.

  2. In the TPER Attachments field, select the Choose File or Browse button.

  3. With your PC’s (or other device’s) file management tools, find and select a document you want to upload.

    • The selected document’s file name appears in the TPER Attachments field.

  4. Select the Save Demographics button.

    • To cancel, select the return to previous page icon or browse to any other page without saving. Any unsaved information is discarded.

The attached document appears as a link under Uploaded Documents.

Users in transplant programs cannot see the uploaded documents.

Accessing a document

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Profile > Demographics on the sidebar and scroll to the Financial Assistance section.

  2. In the Uploaded Documents list, select the document you want to download to your device.

  3. Select the document link.

  4. With your PC’s (or other device’s) file management tools, save the document to your device.

The attached document is available on your device.

Users in transplant programs cannot see or access the uploaded documents.

Removing a document

  1. Go to the recipient’s profile, then select Profile > Demographics on the sidebar and scroll to the Financial Assistance section.

  2. In the Uploaded Documents list, select the Remove document icon (small red waste can) beside the document you want to remove.

    Example - TPER Attachment list

  3. The system prompts you to confirm that the document should be removed.

    • Select OK to remove the document

    • Select Cancel to return to the previous step.

The document is removed from the table.

The removed file can be recovered, if necessary, by submitting a service request to the system administrator.